OrderFlow Ladder
OrderFlow Ladder
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SuperDOM OrderFlow Ladder is a free order flow ladder for Ninjatrader v8.
The SuperDOM column can display the following:
This Super DOM Column plots the Buy and Sell Volume from the midpoint of the Column out to the left (Buy Volume) and to the right (Sell Volume) versus the Volume Super DOM Column which plots from left to right
Time&Sales SuperDom
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Bi-Directional Buy Sell Volume Super DOM Column
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Last trades
Buys / Sells in a configurable sliding time window (defaults to 60 seconds) + Imbalance detection
Last prints or Largest prints at price in sliding window
Session Buys / Sells + Imbalance detection
Session and Sliding Window Buy/Sell histograms
Potential ICE execution
Bid/Ask + Bid/Ask stacking/pulling
Bid/Ask histogram
Large resting Bid/Ask orders (highlighted)
Volume histogram
If in a position, Current P/L + Session P/L + Account cash value
Notes from an external URL, OR a local file
To activate it in SuperDOM u must first download the file and import it in NT8 after that go to NT control center click New, select SuperDOM, right-click in the SuperDOM window, select Columns, and then double-click on the indicator Free Trader Ladder, same step for the Time&Sales indicator. from here u can go to properties and select what you want for your ladder to show
Current Version: v0.4.2 (02/01/2023) OrderFlow Ladder
Release notes: https://github.com/OrderFlowTools/Tr…LEASE_NOTES.md
Many thanks to Gemify -the creator of these indicators (ninja trader)