Auto Swing Indicator with toolbar and comprehensive support/resistance identification

Auto 3 Swing Indicator with toolbar and comprehensive support/resistance identification
**NOTE** The version has been updated. The previous version must be uninstalled before importing.
1.Open Ninjatrader 8
3.Select ActiveGeoking from the list and process removal
4.Import new ZIP file attached to this listing via TOOLS > IMPORT > NINJASCRIPT ADDON

ActiveGeoKingV1006 L


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Triple Trend Feature
In the top right corner of the chart, you will notice SML, MED and LGE printed in either RED or GREEN.
GREEN = Trend up
RED = Trend down
SML is the smallest Zig Zag swing being PINK in colour on the picture in the post above. It is impossible for PINK not to be the smallest as the swing identification algorithm builds away from SML to create the MED swing and so on.
Trend tracking is simply:
Lower Swing Lows = Down Trend
Higher Swing Highs = Up Trend
Example of use:
When the SML trend is the opposite of the MED and LGE trends, countertrend trade opportunities may be more favourable.
Adjustment of Zig Zag swing sizes is generally handled effectively using just the AutoSw feature.

Clicking the pink + and – buttons on the left of the lower toolbar will adjust the SML swing (pink), making it larger and smaller. The MED (green) and LGE (blue) swings will automatically adjust in algorithmically determined deviations upwards from the SML swing, as shown in the video.
All technical levels such as trendlines, Fibonacci, and high/low’s which are measured from the swings will automatically update immediately with swing changes.
For certain circumstances where minor adjustments need to be made to each swing independently, turn off “Autosw” by clicking the button, each swing can be adjusted independently with the color-coordinated buttons from there. This is shown in the final part of the video where the SML swing is adjusted to the downside without impacting the MED and LGE swings.
NOTE: The feature will not allow the SML swing to match or become larger than the MED swing, attempting to match the swing sizes will result in the MED swing largening to protect the size relationship.

Feature: Cluster Ladder
The Cluster Ladder is a vertical graph that shows when multiple technical price points are within close distance of each other. The philosophy is that the more technical price points in a small range, the more likely that the market will see buy/sell pressure in that area when the market is trading technically.
Multiple technical levels in a tight range provide opportunities to know when we are wrong quickly, controlling risk while having a crack at catching a long run.

This is not a volume profile chart
– Each price level is a value of 1 (horizontally) on the ladder.
– Each price level is to be considered a region on the ladder ranging from 3 points wide to 9 points in range (vertically) depending on the swing size it comes from. The larger the swing the technical level is calculated from, the larger the region on the ladder. The additional marking on either side is described as overbalancing.
– When two price level regions overlap, they stack on top of each other horizontally on the ladder, widening the ladder in that area.
– When 3 regions overlap, it becomes a trade area, marked in yellow. (text box appears with trade info)
– Sensitivity can be adjusted with the + and – next to the cluster ladder button, this increases the region (vertical size) of each technical price on the ladder, increasing the likelihood of overlap and therefore trade identification but reducing trade quality.
– The indicator properties allow the trader to include/exclude technical level types from the cluster ladder, see pic below.
*NOTE** There are known bugs with the cluster ladder display. If it disappears, click the button on and off.

Auto swing indicator  for NT8 leverages its own custom layer built on top of the zig-zag indicator to automatically identify the three most relevant swings of any chart. A feature-rich toolbar allows the user to shift the identified swings to their preference quickly.

The identified swings generate a wide array of technical price points based on Fibonacci retracements and extensions, as well as pivot highs and lows, trendlines and corrective/impulsive measured moves from Elliot wave theory. These price points can be considered areas of higher significance for the trader to consider potential future support and resistance to occur.

Here are three relevant technical philosophies that Geoking will help day traders track.
See the image below for color-coded arrows pointing out the following 3 functions.
3DB – Three-day balance. This is the 50% point of the last 3 days of trading. Bryce Gilmore used this as an indicator of strength and weakness, where trading below the 3DB was more bearish sentiment and above, bullish.
FTP – Floor Trader Pivots. The day chart to calculate these pivot points
OPEN – Open Price of the Day. Based on the template the chart uses, when the day clicks over the opening of that bar is marketed as the open price. Daily open price can be important to watch on certain days, whether gap closes, as a technical price point to add to other converging factors, or to track whether the day will be down or up on the daily chart.
REMEMBER: If you want to see the prices for each of these points on the chart, click the”PR Lbls” button in the bottom right of the toolbar on.

For anyone out there who is familiar with Bryce Gilmore’s book “Trading to Win”, this indicator will be recognized as highly aligned with his method of trading. The indicator utilizes an XABCD marking system, also common in other methods of TA.
Inbuilt algorithms detect when price points are invalidated by market movement so as not to display irrelevant price levels wherever possible.
Reporting of price points and swing measurements are all displayed on the screen and can be toggled on and off using the toolbar for all swing degrees and price level types.
The indicator options provide an exhaustive list of configuration options for tolerances and customized ratios for the user’s preference.
**IMPORTANT** Ensure enough bars are loaded onto the chart as this indicator requires a decent amount of history for large degree swings
– 15 years for day charts
– 300 days for 60min
– 30 days for 5 min

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